Tuesday, June 18, 2013

House of Hades Preview!

The official preview (chapter 1) of The House of Hades was released today with the e-book edition of The Son of Sobek. I literally could have had this up hours ago, but I just got back from vacation a few minutes ago... Sorry I'm a little late. ;)

What do you all think? It doesn't tell us a whole lot about what to expect, but what is Hazel's challenge?

Can't wait to read the rest!


  1. I personally don't try to read too much into the preview especially if is the whole first chapter, even in this case. I glance through briefly just to get an idea, but it seems Annabeth and Percy aren't the only worries the crew of the Argo II will be having.

    1. It definitely promises to be an action-packed book.
