Tuesday, September 24, 2013

House of Hades Locations

Apparently Rick is releasing some locations that will be visited in House of Hades. There's two already.

First, I thought this was interesting. From Rick's twitter:

MT: why in TLH Jason said he's from 1st Legion while in SoN Reyna is a praetor in the 12th Legion?/Yeah, that's explained in HoH

Now for the pics.

Neptune statue, location 1.1

Two towers, location 1.2

Unknown, location 2 (Edit: Piazza San Marco, Venice)

Tse (a loyal follower) tells me the Neptune statue is in Bologna, Italy, along with the two towers. Bologna is in north central Italy by the way. As for the lion, I do not know.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Some Big Things!

First, here is the link for Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo, Rick's newest short story.

*Edit: only just discovered that the above link is only a preview. Lemme find the full version...

*Edit #2: Found it! part 1 and part 2. Hope it works for you!

Also, there is a new House of Hades preview. When I watched the vid, I made inhuman sobbing sounds. This is going to be a painful book....

Watch it here. Let me know if the link doesn't work.