Thursday, February 28, 2013

In Which Grover is Kidnapped and Percy is Late to the Party

This wasn't in the book.
But apparently it's in the movie.
That's the guy who plays Chris Rodriguez grabbing Grover.
I don't own this!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

EXCLUSIVE Photos From the Set!

Courtesy of THIS lovely person. Thanks for letting me use your photos!
They got a little mixed up, but I'll do my best.

 The bronze bulls! Without all the computer graphics, I might add.

 The Big House, and also part of the arena.

Athena cabin

Ares cabin

Another shot of the Big House


Demeter cabin, if I remember

Confirmed as the Dionysus cabin

Aphrodite cabin

And one last shot of a bull. ^

Also, The Titan's Curse Graphic Novel is set for release October 8, 2013, same day as The House of Hades. Here's the cover:

Nothing new about the movie, OR the trailer, that I can find. Still hearing that the trailer is coming out March 1 or 9.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Fingers Crossed

There's a rumor circulating that we are twelve days away from a Sea of Monsters trailer.

Unfortunately, I can't pin down the source, so I have no way of proving it, but it makes sense. They finished filming last month.

Keep your eyes open!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cautiously Optimistic...

This just might be

the actual

Sea of Monsters promo poster. MAYBE. It looks a lot more official than the last one I found (which someone proved was fake.)

What do you all think??

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


The first draft of The House of Hades is finished. I repeat: THE FIRST DRAFT OF THE HOUSE OF HADES IS FINISHED.

Rick announced in a recent blog update that he is currently working on the second draft and is right on schedule.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Apparently, this is a building on the Sea of Monsters set. Any ideas as to what it might be??

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Some pics of the cast in Philadelphia. Don't know that they were actually filming when these pictures were taken.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Affiliate

Here's the link to a new site that I affiliated with. Seems to be pretty up to date. =]

Also, as of two days ago (I completely forgot) DNN has been on the Web for one full year! Thank you everyone for the support!

And here's a handful of pics from the Sea of Monsters set:

Friday, February 1, 2013

Further Info on Son of Sobek

I think I may have shown you all this link already, but it has some good info. Not to mention, it kind of drops hints that Rick will be reading from The House of Hades for the first time on May 31 at an author's breakfast.

Also, here's the full excerpt for The Son of Sobek from the Kane Chronicles Facebook page. (I don't own this text; it all belongs to Rick Riordan and Disney Hyperion.) For some reason, it didn't catch any of the letter Fs, or the last page. (The last page only has a picture of the hieroglyph and the words "You wouldn't think it could cause so much trouble.")

The surace o the river churned with bubbles. The croco-
dile was gone, but standing in the marsh about twenty eetaway was a teenage guy in jeans and a aded orange T-shirt
that said CAMP something. I couldnt read the rest. He lookeda little older than me—maybe seventeen—with tousled blackhair and sea-green eyes. What really caught my attention was
his sword—a straight double-edged blade glowing with aint
bronze light.I’m not sure which o us was more surprised.
For a second, Camper Boy just stared at me. He notedmy
and wand, and I got the eeling that he actually
these things as they were. Normal mortals have trouble
seeing magic. Their brains can’t interpret it, so they might lookat my sword, or instance, and see a baseball bat or a walkingstick.
But this kid . . . he was dierent. I fgured he must be a
magician. The only problem was, I’d met most o the magicians
in the North American nomes, and I’d never seen this guy
beore. I’d also never seen a sword like that. Everything abouthim seemed . . .
.“The crocodile,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm andeven. “Where did it go?”Camper Boy rowned. “You’re welcome.”“What?”
“I stuck that croc in the rump.” He mimicked the actionwith his sword. “That’s why it vomited you up. So, you’re
welcome. What were you doing in there?”I’ll admit I wasn’t in the best mood. I smelled. I hurt. And,

yeah, I was a little embarrassed: the mighty Carter Kane, head
o Brooklyn House, had been disgorged rom a croc’s mouth
like a giant hairball.“I was resting,” I snapped. “What do you
I was doing? Now, who are you, and why are you fghting my monster?
monster?” The guy trudged toward me through the
water. He didnt seem to have any trouble with the mud. “Look,
man, I don’t know who you are, but that crocodile has been
terrorizing Long Island or weeks. I take that kind o personal,as this is my home tur. A ew days ago, it ate one o our pegasi.
A jolt went up my spine like I’d backed into an electric fence.
“Did you say
?He waved the question aside. “Is it your monster or not?”
“I don’t own it!” I growled. “I’m trying to stop it! Now,
where—”“The croc headed that way.” He pointed his sword to thesouth. “I would already be chasing it, but you surprised me.”
He sized me up, which was disconcerting since he was
hal a oot taller. I still couldn’t read his T-shirt except or theword
. Around his neck hung a leather strap with some
colorful clay beads, like a kid’s arts and crafts project. He wasn’t
carrying a magician’s pack or a wand. Maybe he kept them inthe Duat? Or maybe he was just a delusional mortal who’d acci-dentally ound a magic sword and thought he was a superhero.Ancient relics can really mess with your mind.Finally he shook his head. “I give up. Son o Ares? You’vegot to be a hal-blood, but what happened to your sword? It’sall bent.”

“It’s a
.” My shock was rapidly turning to anger. “It’ssupposed to be curved.”But I wasn’t thinking about the sword.Camper Boy had just called me a
? Maybe I hadn’theard him right. Maybe he meant something else. But my dadwas Arican American. My mom was white.
wasn’ta word I liked.“Just get out o here,” I said, gritting my teeth. “I’ve got acrocodile to catch.“Dude,
have a crocodile to catch,” he insisted. “Last timeyou tried, it ate you. Remember?”
My fngers tightened around my sword hilt. “I had every-
thing under control. I was about to summon a fst—”For what happened next, I take ull responsibility.I didn’t mean it. Honestly. But I was angry. And as I mayhave mentioned, I’m not always good at channeling words o power. While I was in the crocodile’s belly, I’d been preparingto summon the Fist o Horus, a giant glowing blue hand thatcan pulverize doors, walls, and pretty much anything else thatgets in your way. My plan had been to punch my way out o themonster. Gross, yes; but hopeully eective.I guess that spell was still in my head, ready to be triggered
like a loaded gun. Facing Camper Boy, I was urious, not tomentioned dazed and conused; so when I meant to say theEnglish word fst, it came out in Ancient Egyptian instead:
.Such a simple hieroglyph: