Thursday, July 5, 2012

"Coming Attractions" and New Followers

First things first, I'd like to thank ALL my followers and everyone who looks to DNN for the latest Percy Jackson news. Secondly, I'd like to thank our newest official followers Meghan Bravo, Pratibha Singh, Jim Tse, and Tia Botts. Welcome to the club!

Some of these "newbies" have been here a little while, but I've neglected to thank them =( and for that I'm sorry.

On to other things....

Next month is going to be a big months for news here at DNN! We're expecting The Demigod Diaries on August 14 and the character releases for The Mark of Athena should start in late August. If my memory serves me, the character releases for The Son of Neptune started August 26, so it should be around then.

Brief reminder: The Sea of Monsters Graphic Novel is set for release on September 4 of this year. I've heard from a few reliable sources that it's "better than the first," much like the movie. ;) A lot of people weren't crazy about the first graphic novel.

There haven't been any sneak previews yet, but I'll keep looking.

Now for the movie: A reliable source (a new one, that I've added to my long list of sources) tells me that the release date for The Sea of Monsters movie has been moved up two weeks to March 15, 2013. I don't think I knew a previously announced release date, but I may have posted it here. Anyway, it's coming out two weeks sooner! (*Edit: apparently, I did find a release date, and it was mid-August 2013. I'm quite relieved they changed it to March!)

A few changes have been made for the cast. Stanley Tucci is confirmed as Dionysus; Robert Maillet, who I believe was cast tentatively as Polyphemus, has apparently been changed to a Laistrygonian, though nothing's confirmed on that yet; Mark Hamill is still "rumored" to play Tantalus.

And lastly, because I'm so random, here's the Russian cover for The Sea of Monsters! (It's been out a while, for the record. However, The Red Pyramid was recently released in Russia! That cover's great, too.)

I gotta say, of all the foreign covers, I like the Russian ones the best. Though I must concede: the Japanese Red Pyramid cover isn't bad either:

Sources include: IMDb, Percy Jackson Wiki, Rick's blog, and Leaky News.

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