Monday, November 5, 2012

More From the Movie

The official shirts look awesome!
Besides this, there's no new information that I've found.

BUT DNN has had over 12,300 pageviews since February! Thank you everyone for supporting this site!


  1. No problem!! It's the beSt site on the internet!!

    1. True for your blogsite is the only that has a consistent update on the books and movies of the Percy Jackson world. I used to use the BlueTrident site, but I guess that person stopped it for some reason. So your blog is now the one and only site for me to check for updates.

    2. I used to be on BlueTrident too, but their webmistress didn't have a lot of time.
      Thank you so much! I do what I can.

    3. Same here! Being on BlueTrident, I mean.
      And then it wasn't there anymore...and then I stumbled upon this site back when there were only, like, three other people on it.

      You really ARE amazing, Nat! I get such amazing info on here, because, as ForestQueen said, it's the most reliable one on the internet!

    4. Thank you so much! Well, it helps that I have some good sources. ;) INCLUDING YOU! =]

  2. If the frequent amount of picture updates is this fast then that means the trailer and poster should be on the way pretty soon. I can't wait for next August to see this film and I hope they made some improvements from the Lightning Thief storywise.

    1. I know! Probably by December or January, I'm thinking.
      I'm hearing conflicting reports. If the movie really is scheduled for March like I'd heard, we'll get the trailer this month.
      But judging by the progression, I'd say it's still looking like August for the release date. Maybe sometime in between the two. Who knows?

  3. You same I used to go on bluetrident but now I just use this one!!
