Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Clue #9: Annabeth

I have to do a link for this one, it's complicated to explain why. Here's the clue.


Also, the Percy quote.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Official Sneak Peek!

From Reyna's POV. Check it out here. It really doesn't give anything away so don't worry about spoilers.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

He Said It Himself...

Rick confirmed in a podcast that the last name Chase in his new series is not a coincidence...

Then there's this tweet, which I'm a little skeptical about because sometimes people make fake tweets from him and it's hard to tell rumor from truth.

Also, the Hazel quote from BoO.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


I don't know if this is true or not, but apparently Rick's Norse series features a main character named Magnus Chase. AS IN RELATED TO ANNABETH OR PERCY AND ANNABETH'S CHILD OR WHAT?

Nothing is confirmed right now.

*Update: it's true, first book is due to hit stores fall 2015. Rick confirmed this on his tumblr account. Is Magnus related to Annabeth?? So many questions!

Theory and Clue #8: Frank

Clue 8 is brought to us by the amazing CassJayTuck :) But I'll get to that soon.

First, a theory about an oath to keep with a final breath.

So we know it has something to do with Percy's loyalty and Frank's sense of duty. Here's my thought process. Frank is going to sacrifice himself by burning out his stick, for some reason, and Percy's going to try to stop him, but the whole war with Gaea might go sideways if he stops Frank. Just a happy thought.

Someone else suggested that it has something to do with Percy's promise to his mom over the phone in Alaska that he'd come home soon.

Now, for the clue.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Clue #7: NICO!!!

I'm gonna try something a little different... see if instead of posting a link, I can just embed the video. No clue why I didn't do this sooner.

And the link in case the video above doesn't work.

This is actually a really good clue... most of the other ones are total rip-offs...

Also, this fascinating, informative quote from Frank:

Friday, September 19, 2014

Clue #6: REYNA!

It's confirmed, Reyna and Nico have POVs in Blood of Olympus. That's NINE POVs, people.

Here's the video.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Annabeth Quote... Yikes.

It scares me a bit. But it also sounds like maybe it was said by Octavian? Is that wishful thinking?

Come to your own conclusions...

Ooh or maybe Jason trying to win back the trust of the Romans? Some clever trick? Or, I mean, there is a lot we still don't know about him. It's quite possible he isn't trustworthy.

I have no clue with this quote.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Clue #3: Leo

Still waiting on that Annabeth quote. My guess is tomorrow or the next day.

Anyway, here's clue 3!!! Leo's point of view. And an interesting tweet:

Friday, September 12, 2014

Clue #2

Apparently there are going to be NINE CLUES! The first was Hazel's point of view. The one in this video is Jason. I assume the rest will be Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Frank, and maybe Nico and Reyna?

Anyway, still waiting on the Annabeth quote for Blood of Olympus. A day or two more at the most.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


First, a Leo quote from BoO! Coming soon is an Annabeth quote.

Really doesn't tell us much.

Also, check out this video. Again, doesn't tell us much, but that's just Uncle Rick for you. Oh, and the girl in the video gets the date wrong. It comes out October 7. Don't forget.

Sorry if I haven't responded to comments. I do read them, I just don't have time to respond. Strangely enough, it takes a while. Sounds like a lame excuse, but it's true. I still love you guys!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

There's More Where This Came From

ACTUAL QUOTE FROM THE BLOOD OF OLYMPUS. One from Leo soon to come. I'll keep you updated.

Sounds like she's possessed or something, but you never know with Riordan.